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The Message of Myth

The message of myth is this:
You as you know yourself are not the final term of your own being. 

The great way has no gate.
There are a thousand pathways to it.
He who crosses the threshold
walks the universe alone. 

Wu Wei

Art frees the spirit, but imprisons the psyche. Philosophy frees the psyche, but imprisons the spirit. 

What you want seems to come from a complete acceptance of what you don’t want. The story of “Gawain and Dame Ragnell” seems to exemplify that point to the utter bone. Gawain goes further than anyone would and then even a step further with no expectation and then it’s that utter, utter, utter acceptance, which I don’t how any human being can evoke in himself at will, that completely unlocks the door of bliss.






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