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Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Indent New Paragraphs and Line Breaks in TwentyEleven Theme.

    From Dashboard go down to appearance>Customize>Additional CSS, and within that box put:

    p {
    text-indent: 2em;
    margin: 0;

    Ok, I cheated a little bit. There’s apparently no CSS for automatically creating indentions for the <br> so instead, since there is code for the p tag, what I did was search for code to eliminate the gap between Paragraphs.

    I’m realizing now that this solution might not be optimal. Strike that. It’s not. Because when you are using the visual editor within WordPress its discombobulating and seems to screw up finding the + for creating a new paragraph.

    But the code for the P is a gem. So for now just do it like so:

    p {
      text-indent: 2em;

    This will automatically indent all your new paragraphs, but not line breaks. Still it’s a great start and relief if you are using Twentyeleven and the lack of indention drives you crazy. I’ll keep searching for that other answer though. The above code is totally taken from this post on Lifewire.com. Give them all the credit.

    It’s also cool to know that there is a sort of “in-built” on the fly version of child themes with Appearance>>Customize. Or at least I’m assuming it is. I would hate to think that if there was an update to Twentyeleven for example that those customizations would disappear. But at this point nothing would surprise me.

  • Chuck Berry’s Influences


    Came across this video tonight. Wasn’t going to click it—you know how it is with Youtube, after the algorithm gets to know you, everything that pops up is interesting, but you just don’t have enough time. Why did I finally decide to click it? I noticed the date. Nov. 4th, 1987, and I realized that was just a few days after one of the most epic nights of my life, playing a Halloween gig in my junior year at SMU for a big frat party down in Deep Ellum, and everything going so magically, fairy-tale like well. It was one of those nights, especially for a relative loser like me when you go “Finally my life has begun!” Well, again, enough about me. I’ll write more about it in blog posts, and there’s a big chunk of it in my novel (albeit with an avatar character) which I’ll publish pretty soon.
    Instead let’s talk about Chuck Berry on Johnny Carson, two people I couldn’t think more of. I’ll write more about his music in the future, but what strikes me right off the bat is something just like Dylan, it’s the subtleties, the almost unnoticed accents and rhythmic “pulls and pushes” that are undefinable on a staff sheet, but that give this music, Rock and Roll itself, its life, its soul.
    Also, I was thinking about Keith Richards whom I remembered made a fantastic concert movie the year before with Chuck, but which contained such confrontation between the two as to make you cringe. But during this performance you can see how Keith got his notorious “leg kick” as well as the signature holding the guitar almost vertically which is such an iconic pose. I can see why anyone, especially Keith, would idolize this man, and I really enjoyed him mentioning his influences, including Charlie Christian, whom I was aware of vaguely, but now allows me a deeper dive. Here’s the video with Carson, whom I love and so do every comedian. What a treat!

  • Retiring Abroad Cheaply

    This article on CNBC.com caught my notice mainly because I love the beach and travel but also I’m 52 and need to be thinking ahead about what my finances are going to be in the next 10-20 years.
    I hate to use the word “Cheap” because I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction and also I still have some years left of creativity and potential, but also I have to be realistic. I do think retiring on 30K per year is still my worse case scenario, but as each year passes and none of my ventures come to anything materially, I have to face the fact that it is incrementally at least, that much more likely. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/11/five-places-abroad-where-you-can-retire-on-just-30000-a-year.html

    Here’s another cool retirement idea. I don’t know if it’s for me, but it sure is interesting. You Can Buy a 2.4 million Apartment on a cruise ship. Take a Look.

  • On Boating and Boat Ownership

    Great article from Farmers on the realities of boat ownership with interesting interviews from three experienced boaters.

  • Interesting Quotes

    The past isn’t dead, it isn’t even past.

    William Faulkner

    “If you can’t join them. Beat them.” — The Portal Episode #001 42:24

    Julian Seymour Schwinger

    It’s an opportunity that we are given to ascend—and to figure out what our mission is, and to implement it.

    Corey Goode

    “A funny line that is clever is the most exhilarating thing in the world.” — Martin Short, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, C6:E8, 12:21 mark.

  • Relationship Advice

    “Before marriage be selfish, after marriage be selfless” – Pardes Seleh’s dad. Pretty good, if you ask me.