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I’m Reselling Rackspace Cloud Sites


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paypalsubMini Plan – $4.99/mo

  • 1 GB Disk Space
  • 10 GB Data Transfer Per Month
  • 10 POP accounts
  • 200 Compute Cycles Per Month*
  • Up to 2 Domains per Account.
  • Additional Bandwidth: As much as you need for 50¢ per GB
  • Additional Storage: As much as you need for $1.00 per GB
  • Additional Compute Cycles: As many as you need for 2¢ per compute cycle (See below to learn about Compute Cycles)
  • Maximum of 2 Domains. (Within the scope of the plan.)

paypalsubBasic Plan$9.99/Mo

  • 2.5 GB Disk Space
  • 25 GB Data Transfer Per Month
  • 25 POP accounts
  • 500 Compute Cycles Per Month*
  • Up to 5 Domains per Account.
  • Additional Bandwidth: As much as you need for 50¢ per GB
  • Additional Storage: As much as you need for $1.00per GB
  • Additional Compute Cycles: As many as you need for 2¢ per compute cycle (See below to learn about Compute Cycles)
  • Unlimited Domains (Within the scope of the plan. Charges for overages would accrue for the account as a whole.)

paypalsubAdvanced Plan $19.99/Mo

  • 5 GB Disk Storage
  • 50 GB Data Transfer Per Month
  • 50 POP Accounts
  • 1000 Compute Cycles Per Month*
  • Unlimited Domains Per Account.
  • Additional Bandwidth: As much as you need for 50¢ per GB
  • Additional Storage: As much as you need for $1.00 per GB
  • Additional Compute Cycles: As many as you need for 2¢ per compute cycle (See below to learn about Compute Cycles)
  • Unlimited Domains (Within the scope of the plan. Charges for overages would accrue for the account as a whole.)

*Compute Cycles: 1 compute cycle equals about 1100 static html hits and about 200 database driven hits to your site.

Take me to the sign up page!

+1(501)291-1375    [email protected]

You can create a new Rackspace Cloud powered site in less than five minutes. Load balancing, clustering, and redundant storage are all inherited by your application automatically, without any effort.

Right from the second you upload your websites to Rackspace Cloud Sites™, your sites are hosted on advanced clustered cloud computing technology designed for high-performance. When your site outgrows what’s included, you pay inexpensive scale pricing for exactly what you use on the cloud and nothing more.

You’d be getting a slot on the full $149 Rackspace Cloud Site offering. This is all certified by Rackspace itself. They make it easy for owners of the full $149 Cloud Site to resell smaller portions of it. The customer is an official customer and enjoys a secure username and password to the control panel to configure his or her site/database. One can have unlimited domains on Cloud Sites, and the Control Panel makes it easy to provision a new site almost instantly. Call me or go to the sign up page to get started today!

(501)291-1375 [email protected]

Powered by Rackspace Cloud Computing

Powered by Rackspace Cloud Computing

Want your site on a scalable “cloud” architecture?30-day We can have your site up and running, harnessing the power of server “clustering” like Google does. And at a price that’s not much higher than a shared hosting plan. Instead of your site having to fight for resources when they are most needed, an army of resources are always on standby ready to fight for it.

The main benefit of hosting your blog or website on the cloud instead of a dedicated server, or even worse a managed host in which you are having to share access to the RAM with many other sites that they are cramming you on with? Elasticity. If your traffic spikes, your server will expand to 1, 3, 10 or however many servers are needed to handle it. This is true of even the $9.95 package. It’s the same technology as the $149/mo full cloud site. And if for some reason you use more bandwith (remember only outbound bandwidth is counted, meaning hits to your site) than the package includes (nice problem to have) it’s only 50 cents per GB of overage. That’s the most efficient way possible to grow as well as getting the elasticity that always running for you in the background.


Call or text me on my Google Voice (501)291-1375, email me at [email protected], or hit me up on Twitter if you are interested or have anymore questions.

Here’s more information about Rackspace Cloud Sites

A brief history of Rackspace Cloud Sites (formerly “Mosso”).

*What are compute cycles?

Compute cycles measure how much processing time your applications require on the Rackspace Cloud. Using 10,000 compute cycles in a month is roughly equivalent to running a server with a 2.8 GHz modern processor for the same period of time.

How many compute cycles will my applications use?

Since web applications vary so greatly, it’s hard to make a perfect guess. However, there are some guidelines that can help. First, you can think of 10,000 compute cycles as being about the same processing power as you’d get from a decent dedicated server or Amazon EC2 instance. For example 10,000 compute cycles would power:

  • about 2.1 million page views using a database-driven content management system
  • about 11 million page views of rackspacecloud.com
  • about 25 million requests for a static 15KB image

How do I track my compute cycle usage?

The compute cycles you use are presented in your control panel in near real time.

What goes in to calculating a compute cycle?

Mostly, CPU processing time. However, compute cycles also account for the disk I/O your application’s operations consume. For example, a page with heavy database queries will consume more compute cycles in part due to the larger volume of disk I/O it requires.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rackspace Cloud Sites

What is Cloud Hosting?

Ready to Get Started?

I’ve already got a Rackspacecloud Site provisioned. All I have to do is add your site to it and you’ll be able to create a username and password for your own secure access to the Cloud Site’s control panel. Just contact me or go directly to the sign up page to see the information I need to get you going, and fill it out and submit it if you have decided to purchase.

Stephen Pickering

Little Rock, AR.

Telephone: +1(501)291-1375

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Pickering



Video: @scobleizer talking with the “Cloud Guy” at Rackspace @bpiatt about the benefits of the Cloud.

Take me to the sign up page now!

Need more information? Email me: [email protected] or Phone or Text me: 501-291-1375   (Outside of the U.S. dial +1 first). Or here’s my more detailed CONTACT PAGE.

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