Category: Uncategorized
Jason Calacanis has an Apple Tablet
Update: According to @Scobleizer this is all bunk, and Jason was lying. Sorry. I really believed him. To joke about a few features is one thing, but to drag on so many detailed tweets and to emphasize that he’s not joking is taking it too far. Why would you risk your credibility over something…
Google Nexus One Event Live Video Here!
The URL is live for info about new phone. Thanks to @Scobleizer for live streaming and recording this on Ustream. Follow him on Twitter if you want to get cutting edge coverage of special events like this and the best videos of Tech’s newest of brightest startups.
Don’t Let It Slip Away
I fall asleep in your dream I wanna tell something That your the best of the breed When I fall asleep
Somewhere there’s a shadow growing old. Somewhere there’s a light being turned on in my soul. Heartbreak and the ladder’s of the rain. Song says there’s a answer to this pain.
Mount Lip Phalaenopsis Orchid Nursery, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
When this Orchid is in full bloom, it shall have 14 blooms. Have you ever seen an orchid with 14 blooms? Some of their orchids are capable of 20 blooms. Breathtaking.
The Incredible, Amazing, Awesome Apple Keynote!
via Posted via web from stephenpickering’s posterous