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Rackspace Cloud Sites Advantages: Pages that Load in under 2 Seconds


pingdom load testAnd as you can see from the photo to the right, you sometimes even get Millisecond loads! And keep in mind that is all the way from Amsterdam to Dallas/Ft. Worth.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention CloudFlare here too. I use CloudFlare connected to my Cloud Sites account. And they are at least partially if not the majority reason one gets such fast load times. They do a lot of things to optimize every aspect of your site as well as protecting it from botnets, scrapers, hackers, and email harvesters.

Oh, and did I mention CloudFlare is free? I mean they do have a paid version, but the free version, which I’m using, gives you all these advantages I’m talking about. Never has a company built up such good will in my brain. I’ll probably end up paying for the “Pro” version just because of the amount of “Goodwill” they’ve built up in my brain.

This company should be one of Seth Godin’s “Case Studies.”

Anyway, the advantage of Cloud Sites is simply that you get the best in managed hosting, best equipment, facilities, data center, Cloud Technologies, 24×7 fanatical maintenance. The “best in class” nature of the facilities combined with Cloud Technology, allows for two additional things: Superior Uptime and the ability to handle all the traffic that can be thrown at it.

Now you can step up to a dedicated server, or even a Cloud Server, but the performance you get with Cloud Sites + CloudFlare for the price and the level of management, I believe, is unmatched.

To me, Cloud Sites is like the Apple of hosting. You know you’re getting the ‘best’ but it’s also easy to use. You feel safe, and you don’t feel like you have to be a geek to use it. Although if you are a geek, and there’s nothing wrong with that (I’m at least part geek), it’s still a lot of fun to work with.


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