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It’s National Poetry Month – So I Should Write Some Poems


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I was just glancing at Youtube, and it said that it was national poetry month. Man they have a day and a month for everything, don’t they? Hehehehehe. Well, since I’m a poet, I thought I should write some poems, especially this month! Just wrote this sonnet a few minutes ago. Hopefully I can do one each morning for the remainder of the month, in honor of the month. I’ll just keep posting them here so I don’t have to have a new post for each and every poem. Maybe I’ll do a Youtube video at the end of the Month in honor of “Spoken Word Poetry.”


Sonnet – April 11th, 2011

It’s middle April and the rains have come
The silent morning rings to life and sings.
Each note a whisper of our long lost love
that glides on creeks and swims through springs. 

The turtles’ silence guards the lake all night.
The frogs swim through the moistness of our song.
When morning curtains nudge, they plop from sight,
Soul searching for our long lost golden ball.

The crickets provide the strings, the ducks the horns;
An evening symphony that gives us bliss;
To help in healing what the dragons tore,
And bring us comfort for those that we miss.

The flowers bloom, and trees sway in the wind.
They dance lost songs to visit us again.


Sonnet – April 12th, 2011

At dawn we lost the whisper of our song.
Dreams carried us to worlds we’d rather stay.
The mind builds places our souls don’t belong.
And so the heart remains asleep all day. 

Who’s driven long and who has driven far
To face the mountain hiding secret love?
Inside a bower lit with dreams by stars
They’re parted by the birthing rays above.

Below her bathing pool is where they hid:
Two gems of corn who’d seek the northern light.
She knew their power even just as kids
To overcome the monsters which they’d fight.

The road to follow is a mag’cal one
To marry dreams with the light of the Sun.


Sonnet – April 13th, 2011

I’d like to hold your essence cool and free.
Your hair is waving spirits to rise up.
Your parents are the mountains and the sea.
You dance with legs of deer and arms of dove. 

Your eyes are saying dive and swim this stream.
They speak a language without having sound.
Tonight I dance with you like in a dream.
I can’t describe but know this thing I’ve found.

There are no tensions in this purest form,
Here even where Yeats said the ladder starts.
You are the place where happiness is born,
and fill with light the center of our hearts.

You are the warmth of Sun that’s brought by Spring
We glide on light by saying not a thing.


Sonnet – April 14th

I’ve noticed that the people seem to glide
And sing down by the river through the trees
They seem to have the glow that’s born inside;
Exuberance from not caring what life means. 

A shadow carries water to their Spring.
They’ve always known that someone lived in there.
Was it a spirit or a human being?
They say it breathes the water, drinks the air.

The children leave their houses for the Sun.
They swim like fish this river made of snow.
It feels though time had just begun
The garden nature made so long ago.

And in the forest still the spirit rests.
Upon stars made from Mother Nature’s breasts.


Sonnet – April 15th, 2011

We’re meant to glide upon a beam of light
But here in one wave where life splits in two,
Collapsed a notion of what’s wrong and right.
And now there’s nothing but toil and work to do. 

Sometimes I think therefore I’m not so free.
The stagnant water forms where walls are built.
Drowning spirit born effortlessly.
Like burning rays so hot the flowers wilt.

It feels like its only those fleeting times
A moment when the mind naturally rests
A spirit born inside the heart’s red wine
Appears in actual joy and manifests.

A bliss that doesn’t seem the need to show
With pride how far it’s infinite knowledge goes.


Sonnet – April 16th

There was a darkness that surrounded her
What do I do I thought as things grew dim.
A feeling of emotions’ vision blur
When she brought night and cold from where she’d been.

What was this night so sad shown through her eyes?
It was an empty stare she laid down cold.
How can you judge a thing through all the lies
And describe a feeling that has not been told?

A path through strife we see a shining truth
Come here again so I can touch the face.
A land of plenty rises from the root
A mouth says things we feel but cannot trace.

Few days of riding through the emotional highs
It disappears up through the nighttime skies.



One response to “It’s National Poetry Month – So I Should Write Some Poems”

  1. Cornelius G. Cole Avatar

    ~ In the mind of a black man ~
    In the mind of a black man there are memories of our yesterdays of the pass. Our hard work leads us to temptation of unwanted gratitude, and pleasant achievements. All in all it’s what we thrive, and live for. What is a man with no thoughts of achieving his up most desires of the future, and what is a man if he sees no tomorrow in his pathway of life. God made our journeys in life to be achievable not to be breakable. There for we must run to achieve the unthinkable. Dreams of laughter, dreams of tears, dreams of sorrow, and of dedication are the dreams that will indeed find their way into our hearts, yet we must continue to march on a journey of continuance to achieve our dreams to the end. Brown eyes, blue eyes it doesn’t matter what color our eyes are or the color of our skin. All that really matters is where our journey ended us up at during our last breath of life. We try so hard to look at other people dreams trying to see through their eyes that we forget to look through our own eyes so that we can remember what it was that we had dreamed up for us, so that we can become even more of achievers in our own way of life’s journey. Black may be more beautiful on our skins, but in my mind I see breath taking achievable moments and more laughter’s to my heart as well as joy to my soul in my future. It doesn’t matter what I’ve done in my pass all that really matter is where I end up! That’s at the top of my achievements and to the top I go…

    Cornelius G. Cole
    The Golden Poet

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