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A New Song “The Darkest Hour Comes”


The Darkest Hour Comes by spickeringlr *Click the down the arrow on the right of the player to download song. Actually its not completely new. I did a preliminary version a week or two ago, so maybe I should call this one "The Darkest Hour Comes 2.0." But this sounds a lot better. I recorded the main tracks into my "DAW" (A Boss BR-1600) with its pre amps instead of into the Mac's microphone, so the sound is clearer. Then I dragged the wav files into Garageband and added the loops and strings. I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think! Oh, the words are actually not mine. It's a poem by Kim Addonizio VERITIES Into every life a little ax must fall. Every dog has its choke chain. Every cloud has its shadow. Better dead than fed. He who laughs, will not last. Sticks and stones will break you, and then the names of things will be changed. A stitch in time saves no one. The darkest hour comes. —Kim Addonizio, from Poetry and The Best American Poetry: 2006, ed. Billy Collins



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