Tag: Senate Finance Committe
You Go, Blanche Lincoln!
3 Democrats Could Block Health Bill in Senate – NyTimes.com United States Senator Blanche Lincoln 355 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 Office: 202-224-4843; Fax: 202-228-1371. Hi, I want to go on record as supporting Sen. Lincoln in being AGAINST the Health Care Bill. I believe real Health Care reform could be accomplished by…
Government Causes Credit Freeze
And the Crisis is purely a fiction. I am listening to Bernanke in the background testifying in the Senate. None of this would be happening without the Mark to Market rule. None of it. 8% of mortgages have defaulted. Mark to Market has caused 100% of them to marked down creating billions of false, paper…