Tag: Mythology
What the Call in Mythology Means to Your Life Now
When you follow your calling, when you listen to what your soul is telling you you are here for, when you follow that “Theseus” thin thread out of the Labyrinth to the T, then the whole universe opens up and comes to your aide, and a magical track opens up that automatically takes you where…
The Essential Function of Mythology and Religion
It’s to put the psyche in accord with nature. Once a hero begins an adventure he quickly learns he has to let go of his ego thinking and let the quest itself be his guide. In some adventures the hero is humbled (Odysseus, Parsifal, Job, Indra). In others he is completely eaten up or otherwise…
The Symbolic Meaning of a Water Fountain
The water represents the energy, the ambrosia of eternity pouring into the field of time. The endless flowing, the continuous flowing, represents the eternal nature of this mystical dimension and also the infinite nature of its source. Since you can’t see the water’s source, that represents that it’s coming from the ground of being and also…
The Basic Theme of All Mythology
Opening the world to the dimension of mystery. To realize the mystery that underlies all forms. “That’s the message of the myth: you as you know yourself are not the final term of your being.” Joseph Campbell: The indication is of a notion of a plane of being that’s behind the visible plane and which…
On Ego: The Labyrinth Metaphor
The labyrinth in which the hero soul has become lost. That’s the place from which we are all starting. Did the ego build this labyrinth? Or is the labyrinth a metaphor for the ego itself? Those are interesting questions, but they aren’t nearly as interesting, practically speaking, as what the Wax String of Theseus stands…