Category: Philosophy
The Secret of Songwriting and Art in General
If you’re looking for a how-to article, you’ll be disappointed. No, I don’t have a 10 point list, a “paint by numbers” step by step process to writing a hit song. Since Christmas, a lot of song ideas have been coming to my head very spontaneously. OK, I’ll take back that first sentence with one…
In Defense of Rand Paul
“He who is forced against his will, is of the same opinion still.” – Deepak Chopra I’m sure you know the back story: Last week, Rand Paul, son of Congressman Ron Paul (R) Texas, won the Republican nomination for Senate in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The day after his victory, his Democratic opponent, Jack Conway,…
How to Write a Poem
I’ve been thinking and working on blogging, the techy geeky stuff, which interests me to a point, but finally the headache begins. And the over saturation. Then I move back to what I really love which is creativity. Blogging and the techno stuff is just the new medium, the new publishing as it were, and…
The Health Care Reform Act of 2009
Article 1 The Health Insurance Industries’ exemption from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 is hereby revoked. All citizens of the United States shall not be barred from purchasing Health Insurance from any company or individual, foreign or domestic. All policies may be written in any manner, for any amount, with any provisions the contractor chooses…
Shamans and Medicine Men
Whenever I’m reading a book or watching a video there may be one snippet that really turns the light bulb in my head, or should I say my heart, on. I want to start writing these down so I can have a repository of them to look back on. Two of my inspirations are Deepak…
The Sun Like The Moon
Enough fog this morning to look directly at it. 93 million miles away and it’s as large in the sky as the Moon at a quarter million miles. A million Earths would fit in it. Every atom in our bodies was made in the very center of such a star. Amazing how literally acurate the…