Category: Music
Chords and Lyrics for The Happiness Waltz by Josh Rouse
“The Happiness Waltz” by Josh Rouse title track from the album “The Happiness Waltz” Eb Spring, spring, Winter’s sting Abmaj7 Is gone. / Eb Tomorrow I’ll be new. Eb Salt wind / Abmaj7…
Song of the Day: A Song to Help You Sleep – Josh Rouse
Man, chose a doosey today! Musically it’s easy. Just a lot of lyrics to memorize. That’s the irony: The hard ones musically tend to have easy lyrics and vice versa. Oh well. What was the spark that made me choose this one? I was sitting around last night watching TV, strumming some chords, and out…
Song of the Day: “Imaginary Girl” by The Silver Seas
Actually I’ve learned a couple others since the last “Song of the Day”, but they both took a couple or three days for the lyrics to really sink into the “officially” memorized zone, and by that time, like the irony of life itself, I sort of lose interest in them, and end up not blogging…
Song of the Day: The Western Isles by Josh Rouse
Update 05/22/13 : I just heard Josh do a live interview/ 3 song session on a Radio station in London. He did play this song, so I listened closely to the lyrics during the refrain/bridge part. Sounds like I got the “Black Greece Tea” part right. I guess there is such a thing as…
Song of the Day: A Lot Like Magic – Josh Rouse
Well, I was cleaning off one of my counters this morning, all the paper and junk mail had piled up. And as I was sorting what I needed to keep from the rubbage, there it was: the hand written lyric sheet for “A Lot Like Magic” that Josh had mailed me last fall. Now, to…
Song of the Day: Ain’t Even Done With the Night – John Mellencamp
Update 9/26/20 — Hey Friends! I will eventually get around to posting a video me performing this song, but I have to admit my vocals are too weak. I have been since last summer taking singing lessons, practicing exercises, and they do work! I believe anyone can learn to sing as long as their ear…