Category: Audio
The Gillmor Gang 2-25-11 (Audio)
[audio:] Direct .mp3 link (iPhone/iPad simply click to play) – Right Click to Download Just messing around with Wiretap Studio for Mac. Plus I’d seen a lot of folks who wanted this. If either Steve or TechCrunch minds, I’ll pull it down, no problem. Let me know. It’s 83mb and just a regular file on…
[Video] A Drive Through the Snow and Musical Accompaniment.
This is just a video I made driving through the snow in Little Rock on 1-10-11 the day after our “Mini” Snow Storm. I played my new song “New York & Light” and the cover I did of “Silent Night” on the CD player as accompaniment. I haven’t made enough HD videos with my iPhone4…
New Song: “New York & Light”
[audio:] New York and Light (iPhone/iPad Link) You can download the song if you right click on the link and choose “Save” or “Save As,” and it will download the MP3 file. So I took the little poem I wrote a couple post’s back “New York & Light” and made it into a song. I…
Silent Night
Silent Night by spickeringlr I did a cover version of “Silent Night” with my guitar and Apple Logic. Merry Christmas!
New Song: “Union Street (Hold On)”
Union Street (Hold On) by spickeringlr Felt like being sparse with this one. No loops or click track. Just me playing and singing at the same time. Through in a harmonica overdub, but at least its me playing it and not a loop. Rather Dylanesque. I like it.
New Song: “The Cinnamon Line”
Kind of a “Cosmic” Country number. I got that word from Daniel Tashian. I’m nowhere near as good as him, but I hope you enjoy! You can download it free to your computer with that little download arrow on the player. If you enjoy please re-share, “like” this page, or “re-tweet” or all three! To…