Author: Stephen Pickering
How to meditate – 2
Okay, so, thoughts are the problem. There’s no question about that. Thoughts are your jailer, but I want to make this as simple as I can. What gives thoughts their energy is your emotional attachment to them. So the practice during meditation is not to try to stop thinking. That’s impossible, at least directly. The…
How to Meditate 1
My own insight happened while I was meditating last week: It was the insight that you’re not trying to get rid of your thoughts, or stop thinking, but rather stop the attachment to the thought. Don’t let it move you emotionally. That way the thought can come and go without you emotionally reacting to it.…
The Element U
Something’s going on that wants to be known, a presence. It wants you to make your connection. What do you think is really underneath the veil? Something very deep. Deeper than history, deeper than tomorrow, deeper than now. That’s the secret, secret, secret voice that never comes out during the day. I’m with you: I…
How to Delete All Songs from iPhone Quickly
“Connect your iPhone to iTunes, go to the Music tab and uncheck Sync Music and press Apply to resync.” – from “Randers4 on the Apple Support Forums. (This worked for me and took only a couple minutes, even with 2000 songs, to complete). Man, iTunes is just crazy, and drives me crazy. But anyway, the…
On Ego: The Labyrinth Metaphor
The labyrinth in which the hero soul has become lost. That’s the place from which we are all starting. Did the ego build this labyrinth? Or is the labyrinth a metaphor for the ego itself? Those are interesting questions, but they aren’t nearly as interesting, practically speaking, as what the Wax String of Theseus stands…
I Just Couldn’t Let This One Go
“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” ~ Gautama Buddha I saw this on Facebook tonight. There was a page called Buddhism. The Part that got me was “How deeply did you let go?” I feel that’s truly such…