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Meditation: A Guide, Resource, and Encouragement

“The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgment.

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

I think about meditation a lot, and even as I write this, I realize the irony of that statement. Still, even after a long practice, one can become “jaded” and pretty soon even your meditation sessions can come to seem like a “routine.” And that’s very ironic indeed, because if there’s anything I feel that meditation is, it’s a way or tool to break out of monotony and open out to an adventure.

So, whenever I hear or read a fresh way of describing meditation, what it is or how to do it, I thought I’d start keeping a repository in a blog post. These “fresh” ways of putting it tend to break that monotonous hold that sometimes creeps in, and gives me a fresh shot of encouragement.

“I find that I can actually get my mind to stop talking for 30 minutes…and i’m finding that it’s addicting.” – @serenadyer

“There’s only one wrong way to #meditate, and that is if you think there’s any effort involved.” – @DeepakChopra

‘Flow’ is our essential state when it’s not overwhelmed by the mind. – @DeepakChopra  #Meditation

#Meditation is a process where you allow things to happen.” –@DeepakChopra



One response to “Meditation: A Guide, Resource, and Encouragement”

  1. A meditation routine can be so healthy for you!

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