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Quantum Leaping Through Time & Space

I haven’t written about this subject in a long time. I just picked up a Science book for the first time in a long time and I was re-fascinated by the “reality” of what is really going on inside and outside us. I’ve read these books so many times and realized it before, but it’s amazing how easily and quickly we can forget, and start seeing the World, what we call “reality” as mundane and predictable, while the exciting stuff happens “only in the movies.” But the gist of ‘actual’ reality (how else do you say it?) is this:

  1. Quantum reality is the reality of everything in the Universe, from your toe-nail to the furthest Galaxy.
  2. Quantum reality is this: Anything can, will, and does happen for any reason, spontaneously, with no energy or time expended.

Everything in the Universe is made of one thing, “Quarks” (This our current understanding. It could be that something even smaller, called “Strings” make up the Quarks, but for our discussion here let’s keep it at Quarks for simplicity’s sake. We’re trying to imagine the smallest indivisible particle that makes up everything.)

Quarks make up everything, you me, your dog, the trees, the air, Stars, and planets.

Quarks are subject to the ultimate Law of the Universe which is no law: Quantum Flux. Everything can and does happen, not every second, but since we are dealing with Quantum reality in Zero time. Like light, quarks are truly eternal. They do not experience time. Actually Quarks and Light create time, but I’ll explain that later.

So here’s what’s happening right here, right now at this moment: The hundred trillion trillion trillion quarks that make up my typing hands, every single one of them is leaping in and out of existence, perhaps to the other side of the Universe, perhaps to another Universe.

Look outside at a tree. Every particle of that tree is quantumly leaping all over the Universe and all throughout time. So why do you see a solid tree not moving? Because for every particle that disappears, another Quark, maybe from Abraham Lincoln’s leg, maybe from the Galaxy Andromeda is taking its place. So the whole looks relatively stable. Same for every “large” object, a rock, a blade of grass, a drop of water.

So why don’t large bodies quantumly leap? Actually they could. If you stood in times square for a trillion years you would see someone magically vanish at some point during that time and end up somewhere else. It’s sort of like the proverbial monkeys at a typewriter. Given enough time, they will eventually write a Shakespeare play.

The reason large bodies don’t quantumly leap (very often!) is because large bodies are actually hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of trillions of Quarks. The chances that they would all synchronize and quantumly leap at the same moment to the same place are that once every trillion year thing.

Still, it brings up an interesting point. Even though the odds unimaginably, astronomically against it, it is possible that you could fall asleep in your bed tonight and wake up tomorrow in Africa or Mars, the other side of the Universe, or 1928. It is non-zero. So if you magically quantumly lept from your bed to say Africa tomorrow, not at the speed of light, but in Zero time and taking Zero energy, the interesting Question becomes what is the Mechanism for making this happen?

Here’s the interesting answer: That’s the way it is.

The Ground State of the Universe or the Multiverse, of Everything that is or could possibly be is that Everything can and will happen, does happen, and does not need a reason.

The so called “Physical” laws of the “Macro” world we are used to, are simply the result of the symmetry breaking caused by the quantum “jitters” of the ground state being spontaneous.

This is also why we age, and why time moves forward. When one of your Quarks leaves you, for another planet, or another century, the Quantum “Vacuum” replaces him with another visitor. And the Quantum Vacuum is remarkably accurate: maybe to 1 part in 100,000,000. That one mistake in a hundred million is caused by the “uncertainty” principle itself which states that nothing can be 100% certain. That one mistake, over time, causes everything, our bodies included to slowly deteriorate or as we call it “age.” This is the cause of all entropy, the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, which states that everything moves from a state of Order to Disorder.

That last bit depressed me. At first when I read again about Quantum reality, it excited me: I thought, “What if there was some way to bring ‘coherence’ to a larger body?” “Then wouldn’t it Quantumly leap?” Even though its probably impossible, and even if it were, I can’t imagine how it could be achieved, or even controlled, it still was exciting to imagine.

But then I realized that this same mechanism that perhaps could make “magic” a reality also is relentlessly in charge of aging and decay.

Let’s play a “thought” experiment. Imagine you could somehow achieve coherence and assuming you somehow also manage to control the spontaneity of it, you decided to travel to someplace back (or for that matter, forward) in time.

In other words the Universe truly became your oyster. The only thing is, because of the Uncertainty Principle, you still would age and die. I can’t see any way around that, because the Uncertainty principle is the ground state of existence, and assuming that you or someone in the future could somehow do these “magical” things, it would be the Uncertainty Principle that itself enabled the Quantum Leaps.

I don’t see any way around that bit at the moment. Now maybe, somehow, someway, there is a way to slow aging, for instance if somehow, coherence slowed the number of mistakes uncertainty produced over time. That would be an interesting topic to consider on its own.

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14 responses to “Quantum Leaping Through Time & Space”

  1. troy sanders Avatar
    troy sanders

    I believe it is real to quantum leap because I have done it may times as a child not so much now because I am getting older but I would do it unconscious lik to learn more about it.

  2. coachk28 Avatar

    You seriously need help believing that this stuff is real. lol

  3. Joel, yeah, that’s true! But if that were the case, I guess you could do a quantum leap and escape them! But I have no idea how we could achieve coherence of the trillion trillion atoms that make up our body. For instance with Quantum Computers they’ve managed to only be able to get like a dozen atoms to achieve coherence, and this is incredibly difficult to achieve and maintain, because any contamination with the environment takes them out of that state. It’s a bit like flipping coins. Having two coins both come up heads doesn’t take too long. Having three all come up the same will take more time, but then simply going to 4, 5, or 6 coins all simultaneously coming up heads or tails, you could sit there for weeks. Each ‘coin’ you add increases the difficulty of achieving ‘coherence’ astronomically.
    So I don’t know how ‘mechanisitically’ you could approach it. Maybe there’s some sort of ‘metaphysical’ answer, like how they say meditation creates a sort of ‘coherence’ or harmonization of brain waves. But those may only lead to psychological results, such as greater imagination, which is great, such as the imaginations that have created all these exciting stories in the movies, etc., but not the same as actually ‘doing’ some of these things. Unless these things are seen as ‘metaphors’ for activity that helps advance society, which in itself isn’t bad, for that’s how we got the computers, internet, and things of today which could only have been dreamed about 500 years ago.

    1. So, I am bored at school and was forced to read something on the computer, so I decided on some mental indulgence and typed in the theory of
      Quantum Physics. Knowingly enough, I have a minute concept of the idea, but some-what of a problem of a solution. Stephan, being the kinda guy you are, I’d like for you to research Quantum Jumping, the theory of entering another dimension of future/past different self’s and taking there advice for success and happiness: A life cheat code.
      Also research Kundalini and the energy’s of the body.
      Then Youtube Chinese Healing Hands or Man catches newspaper on fire with hands. The power of “Chi” or energy flows through every living thing.
      Here’s some interesting words to research:
      Pineal Gland

      Just think, how do people live in different mind states? A christian strays from crime while a alcoholic or heroin user is more prone to act upon a crime. Prayer is a form of meditation, using a different part of your brain, changing you’re reality. Some people believed we can here from a alien sex orgy. Never know.

      1. troy sanders Avatar
        troy sanders

        Do you time jump too?
        I’m not saying it as a joke
        I’m just curious on how it works
        Cuz you see I jump through time
        When I sleep to the future and other
        Universe’s but it all seems to be a dream
        When I wake up but years later or days later
        I see what happened in my dream it like

        1. only thing Spiritual about life is our consciousness, thinking on the quantum level of course,

  4. Joel Young Avatar
    Joel Young

    i think the realitivity of quantun physics being involved with our biology or the biology of every living thing in the universe is quite intrigueing to me because the uncertainty principle applies to both subjects our biology and quantum physics because nothing can be 100 percent perfect i understand what youre saying i would like to learn how to harness that kind of thing and make coherence if you could do that you would be your own teleportation device which is awesome to say the least but if you did that youd have the government so far up your ass wanting to know how you did it

  5. Jaden Sinopa Avatar
    Jaden Sinopa

    Incorrect genes don’t have “higher entropy.” Quantum uncertainty has nothing to do with gene replication. You are associating quantum physics with biology. Entropy has nothing to do with genes. Genes are made up of atoms and the reason they don’t replicate correctly is because of our biology, not quantum physics. Can you show me some scientific evidence of this?

    1. Jaden, Quantum Physics effects everything. Biology isn’t ‘sandboxed’ away from its effects. Also, every system, from a Universe, to a star, to a cell, to a bottle of Coke, has an amount of entropy, which is always increasing. I think we are talking about the same thing but from a different perspective. You’re looking at it from a more specific perspective of how biology works, of how genes replicate in a specific sense, and I’m looking at the broader question of “Why do mistakes happen?” At some level, Quantum Uncertainty, at the very least plays a role, because of it’s randomness, in all mistakes, even more so in a molecule that is unzipping and replicating a gene, than say a Monk of the 12th Century copying the words by hand from one Bible to the other. Why does a running back fumble a football? Well, there could be all kinds of reasons. The other player’s helmut knocks it out. The other player had intent, which is an extremely low entropy state. It took billions of years to evolve a biological brain to have that kind of intent. But it could also be just because the running back temporarily lost his “concentration” Quantum uncertainty could definitely play a role in a temporary ‘flux’ or ‘hiccup’ in the atoms of the synapses of his brain. What I’m trying to say is that there are all kinds of reasons for ‘mistakes’ but ultimately like the proverbial butterfly’s wings that ends up creating a thunderstorm on the other side of the planet, the movement begins in the quantum ‘froth.’

      1. Exactly. Nothing is disconnected from the weave of the Universal blanket. It is when you understand the mechanisms behind how to travel through it that you can quantum leap. It is when you understand and believe in what truly is the core of everything that all fear and doubt drop and one becomes lighter and more easily transported around and through. And nothing is untouched. Biology is a giant part of this. Our energy is attached to a biological form because we need to become 3d as humans/plants/objects. And naysayers are just believing still in the old structure of what was. As we all become more enlightened through the past few years, we are all beginning to open up to other possibilities. Anything IS possible if you believe it.

  6. Yeah, but the reason that our genes don’t replicate correctly is that incorrect sequences have enormously higher entropy than correct sequences, and the energy that sucks things toward higher entropy states, at its heart, is quantum uncertainty.

  7. jaden sinopa Avatar
    jaden sinopa

    NO, we don’t age because of thermodynamics! We age since our genes don’t replicate correctly. That’s the only reason why. The whole concept of the reason people age since strings follow the rules of quantum mechanics is completely ridiculous.

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