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Category: Pyschology

  • How Women and Men are Different and How This Awareness Can Help Your Life

    Women are born multi-taskers. Men are built to focus like a laser on one thing. By multi-tasking women bring forth their clarity of purpose, and by focusing men bring forth a sort of ability to “do it all” and “be many places at once.”It’s completely ironic and none of it is conscious. It’s emergent from…

  • Three Pieces of Great Life Advice I Gleaned From Twitter Today

    Sounds weird right? Twitter is the negative capital of the world it would seem. It seems almost like a magnet for negativity and arguing. Boy, I spent too much of my life during the last decade engaging in both, and still do at times, although I’m much more conscious of it. #1 Chase Jarvis. I…

  • What the Call in Mythology Means to Your Life Now

    When you follow your calling, when you listen to what your soul is telling you you are here for, when you follow that “Theseus” thin thread out of the Labyrinth to the T, then the whole universe opens up and comes to your aide, and a magical track opens up that automatically takes you where…

  • The Symbolic Meaning of the Belly of the Whale

    Giving yourself over to something completely, letting yourself be ‘swallowed’ by it, as it were, (symbolically, psychologically) with the faith that you are not going to be annihilated but rather transformed, ‘reborn’ into your true hero, adventurous self: That’s the sense of the ‘belly of the whale’ motif in mythology. Stephen Pickering The Beatles are…

  • The Essential Function of Mythology and Religion

    It’s to put the psyche in accord with nature. Once a hero begins an adventure he quickly learns he has to let go of his ego thinking and let the quest itself be his guide. In some adventures the hero is humbled (Odysseus, Parsifal, Job, Indra). In others he is completely eaten up or otherwise…

  • The Best Romantic Relationship Books According to Whitney Cummings

    Getting to ‘I Do’ by Pat Allen — [Google Search Link] Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix [Link] Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson [Link] This info was shared from Whitney’s appearance on Nikki Glaser’s Sirius XM show “You Up,” which is a lot of fun to watch in and of itself.