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The Best Search Engine Optimization & Marketing Resources


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Nothing beats good, orginal content, but also nothing beats knowing that you are using the best techniques and procedures, for getting that content recognized, for inspiring you and your subconscious mind, to produce even more great, orginal content. When the bases are covered, the inspiration for hitting a homer increases. Your ego can be a dragon that stops you, but your subconscious' desire for some recognition is not a self serving type of desire. It's an affect of the higher goal of being the most helpful and useful that you can be. In this case recognition can mean authentication, and also in the virtuous circle motif, authentication can lead to well deserved recognition. Maybe a perpetual motion machine exists after all. Here are some sites with information and tools to reach the maximal audience who is interested, or who may not even know they are interested, until they find you, in content related to your work, so that your subconscious has the most motivation to be original and to follow its bliss, which ironically leads to even better content. In other words, winning awards, can make your higher self work harder. Getting a No.1 record, for instance, usually makes a musician practice his guitar more. A "break" means you are given the luxury of more time to spend on your craft.
  • http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/ - Official News on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index. Google webmaster blog is well known as highly informative and as being reputable. And why not? It's straight from the horse's mouth, Google itself.
  • http://www.bing.com/community/blogs/webmaster/ - Bing has a good webmaster blog too.
  • http://www.youtube.com/GoogleWebmasterHelp - Google has just started a video channel for webmasters. Plenty of videos up already to answer common questions.
  • http://www.seobook.com/blog -  by Aaron Wall. Learn.Rank.Dominate. They sell an SEO training program for $150, but also have a free blog with lots of free, valuable information. Looks legit and reputable.
  • Highrankings.com - by Jill Whalen. They also primarily offer a paid for, but legit, consulting service. But there are lots of free articles on the site with a lot of great information.
  • Yahoo Search Blog - Yahoo's equivalent of the Google and Bing Webmaster blogs. A look inside the world of search from the people at Yahoo!
  • SEO Moz -  Seo Moz serves as a hub for search marketers worldwide, providing education, tools, resources and paid services to help every SEO to be the best they can be.
  • Blackwater Ops - Also primarily a paid consulting offering, but also many free articles and information to get your juices flowing.
  • NowSourcing - Social Media Marketing explained. You’ll tend to find original content relevant to social media here, not just another top 10 list. One guy said about this service, "The only SEO that has been able to show me actual results"
  • Virante - They have a lot of Free expert SEO tools here.
  • Century House - Eating competitors for breakfast.
  • The Blog of Matt Cutts - Most engaged Google engineer on the social networks, namely Twitter. He's currently head of Google's webspam team, but he's also worked for years on search quality there. He knows and shares a lot of useful tips and information. Great, nice guy. He would be what Chris Brogan has termed a "Trust Agent."
  • Search Engine Land -  Must read news about search marketing and search engines. One of the best sites for Search related news.
  • Google Blogoscoped - A site that covers Google primarily and updates you on new developments there especially as its related to social media, marketing, search.
  • Google Operating System - Unofficial news and tips about Google.
  • The Digital Point Forum - A great forum discussing all the search engines, marketing, and design & development. One guy said about this forum, "I've implemented some of their recommendations thus far and I feel like it's already making a difference."
  • Google Webmaster Central Webmasters/Site Owner's Help -  Google's HTML documentation for Webmaster Essentials, Tools, Relationships, and Sitemaps.
  • Google Webmaster Central Help Forum - All about crawling, indexing, and ranking, plus tools and even chit-chat.
  • Eric Goldman - Specifically the legal aspects of search, but also a lot of broader information and observations that are worthwhile.
  • SEO by the Sea - Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services, Consulting, and Research. Also talks about patents related to SEO/SEM search. This and the last are really good sources of information about blogging in general too.
  • The Google Cache - Must read SEO blog. Web Marketing, SEO, CPC/PPC Blog.
  • A simple Delicious Search for "SEO" - Search list results about SEO provided by Delicious.
  • Search Engine Guide - The small business guide to search marketing. Small business help for website promotion and increased search engine traffic. Great advice from solid writers.
  • Small Business SEM - Because not everyone can throw thousands of dollars at the ‘How do we market ourselves online?’ question… Also featuring the SEO Success Pyramid.
  • Link Moses - Link building strategies.14 years of advice, rants, and tips on link building strategy and content publicity.
  • Link Building Best Practices - Q&A with Eric Ward, aka LinkMoses, Questions, answers, opinions and advice on link building best practices based on his personal experiences as a content publicist for thousands of websites from 1994 until today.
  • Yoast - specializing in WordPress SEO. Tweaking websites, from search engine rankings to speed and user experience. Joost de Valk and guests provide tips on optimizing WordPress, Magento, search engine rankings, analytics, and website performance. They also offer SEO tools, Magento extensions, and WordPress plug-ins to make it all possible.
  • SEO Quake - a powerful tool for Mozilla Firefox, aimed at helping web masters who deal with search engine optimization and internet promotion of web sites. Seoquake allows user to obtain and investigate many important SEO parameters of the internet project under study on the fly.
  • Web Page FX -WebpageFX is a leader in web designweb developmentInternet marketingecommerce,flash design, and search engine optimization. We offer web solutions worldwide with a specific emphasis on companies in the Central Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic regions.
  • World Wide Web Consortium - for brushing up on the compliance side of things (even if it gets a bit technical). It's the standards by which the web runs, from the horses mouth, so to speak.
  • QuickSprout - by Neil Patel. How to Optimize your blog for Search Engines. "Over the past few years I worked with 30 of the top 100 blogs to help them increase their traffic. The thing that all of these blogs have in common is that they have great content. But one thing that most of these blogs didn’t do right is leverage search engines."( *WARNING - This is a great blogpost, and the guy looks legit and his blog as whole seems like an awesome resource, but I put that bit of code he mentions between the <TITLE> tags in the header of my WordPress Blog, and it broke my site. Was down for a whole day. Just taking the code out didn't work. I had to COMPLETELY RE-INSTALL, a major headache. Maybe I have a crappy theme. Don't doubt it, its free, and I know WordPress and PHP are possessed, but still a WORD OF WARNING about that CODE.)
  • Black Hat World - An SEO forum and community.
  • SEO Book for Bloggers - The blogger's guide to SEO. What Google knows about your blog.
  • Graywolf's SEO Blog - Michael Gray became involved in web development and website management in 1998. He was Webmaster for a major specialty retailer, helping create their website presence and growing their online sales from less than $10,000 a month to over $25 million in annual web sales.
  • WordPress TV - WordPress SEO and Optimization strategies. An outstanding presentation.
  • Yoast WordPress SEO - The definitive guide to higher rankings for your blog by Yoast. 2009 Semmy Winner.
  • Dragon Search - DragonSearch is a search engine marketing company with offices in New York City and Kingston, New York in the Hudson Valley region specializing in a wide range of search engine marketing consulting for online marketing and advertising ventures of all website and industry types.
  • StomperNet - This one is PAID ONLY, but it's folks have been recommended by reputable people so I thought I would still include it. Stomping the Search Engines. You will know SEO inside and out because when it comes to teaching SEO for business owners, no one knows it better than StomperNet.
  • Confidential SEO Secrets Book - Revised and expanded August 2009. This is a book, so again, its not free, but came recommended. By Allen Harkleroad.
  • Flowtown - How to use Social Media to expand your SEO horizons.
  • SEO Mash - A mash up of a plethra of SEO, blogging, and Website resources.
  • Alltop - the mega-aggregator from Guy Kawasaki and company has an SEO category
  • OnReact - A real time feed for everything in the Social Media Sphere that gets voted up via social media services such as Twitter.
  • Wiep - an internet marketing blog with link building as the main dish. Different link building strategies get discussed here, as well as several other search engine optimization related subjects.
  • Blind Five Year Old - a product of A.J. Kohn, an experienced marketing executive with a successful track record spanning nearly 20 years.The name of the blog comes from his search engine optimization (SEO) philosophy, which is to treat search engines like they are blind five year olds.
  • Wafer Scale - SEO tips for your blog, and bloggin tips to increase your traffic.
Do you have any more suggestions that I can add to the list? I would love to hear from you.


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