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We Need A Gold Standard for Economic Prosperity

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(Two email letters I sent concerning this subject)

March 22nd, 2009

Dear Adam Curry (@adamcurry),

Ending inflation and deflation is very simple. All that has to happen is for the Fed to keep the dollar/gold ratio in a tight range by printing dollars when the price of gold gets too low (ie 1997, $10 barrel oil) and selling bonds when the price of gold gets too high (ie Now!) to soak up the excess liquidity. There was no inflation or deflation until 1971 when Nixon closed the London Gold Window where one could exchange 35 dollars for an ounce of gold. Oil was 3.50 per barrell. When he closed the London gold window, the dollar became a floating currency and the great inflation of the 70’s began. There was no energy crisis. There never has been. We don’t need a Gold Standard per se, where we actually store the stuff, we just need a de facto Gold Standard where the relationship between the paper currency and the metal stays steady. The Fed has the tools to do this easily. Why is it not done? Because the establishment knows how to profit from these wild swings in prices, while the common man gets screwed. If you look at a chart of oil from 1920 until now it basically doesn’t move until 1971, and then the line goes up like Mount Everest. How is this possible during a time when the car and airplane were invented? Its simply because all inflations and deflations are monetary, ie floating currencies, and when the supply and demand of money itself gets out of whack so do the prices of all the commodities. You ask about a World Reserve Currency. We have one. Its called Gold. Everything is ultimately priced in terms of it.

Stephen Pickering (@pickering)

Little Rock, AR, US

Crude Oil Chart 1920 til present:


March 23rd, 2009

To: Mr. Sergei Perminov, Rye, Man, & Gor Securities, Moscow, Russian Federation

Dear Mr. Perminov

Your quote in the Moscow Times is absurd:

“This is all in the realm of fantasy,” said Sergei Perminov, chief strategist at Rye, Man and Gore. “There was a situation that resembled what they are talking about. It was called the gold standard, and it ended very badly.”


The Gold Standard didn’t end badly. Nixon closing the London Gold Window in 1971 is what has ended badly. In other words, getting off the gold standard is what has ended badly. Look at this oil chart from 1920 until today. Look what it did beginning in 1971 when Nixon took the dollar off a de facto gold standard:


The only solution to this is having a “de facto” gold standard whereby the Fed keeps the dollar in a stable relationship with the price of gold. It can easily do this by printing currency when the price of Gold starts lower too much and vice versa selling bonds into the open market to soak up excess liquidity when the price of Gold begins to get too high. That’s the only way to end inflation and deflation that never existed before 1971. Keeping things the way they are will only keep the misery going. Look where its got us. The common man gets ruined, businesses can’t plan, and the engine of the economy has a monkey wrench thrown into it without a stable, standardized unit of account.


One response to “We Need A Gold Standard for Economic Prosperity”

  1. We, as citizens, don’t need to wait for the government to ‘leap’ back to a gold standard, or rig the paper market to seem like a gold standard….

    We, as citizens already know gold and silver are real money which preserve value. Thomas Jefferson said it, “paper is poverty”.

    Montana Sound Money Bill H.B. 639 has just passed the house.

    There are 5 other states with pending Honest Money Legislation which allows the use of gold and silver, along with digital gold to pay tax and circulate alongside the fiat national currency.
    [email protected]

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